The number of people interested in Komondor at this year`s Researchers Night exceeded expectations

Nearly 200 people who were curious about the country's most powerful supercomputer, with a capacity of approximately 60 000 laptops, were able to attend a supercomputing lecture in Budapest and a supercomputer demonstration in Debrecen.

While the presentation in the capital was made really impressive by a mini "Raspberry HPC" - on which expert Zoltán Kiss illustrated the operation of Komondor -, there was no need for such a thing in Debrecen, as the participants could see the HPC up close, and the informative presentation quickly turned into a lively question-and-answer session between the experts and the audience.

The HPC Competence Centre in cooperation with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the University of Debrecen participated in the program series now organized for the 18th time.

For those who missed the opportunity this year, do not be disappointed, next year we are planning even more exciting presentations for the last Friday of September.