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The HPC Competence Center (HPC CC) was established by the Governmental Agency for IT Development in 2020.  It is responsible for promoting the High Performance Computing(HPC) and introducing the HPC infrastructure to potential academic and industrial users. Providing access to supercomputers, and giving user support are among our top priorities. Our experts assess the incoming project applications and manage the appropriate allocation of national HPC capacities, which must be in line with the expected scientific impact of the research to be carried out. In addition, the Competence Center maintains contact with users and international professional partners and represents the Hungarian HPC infrastructure and community in international professional forums.

The mission of the HPC Competence Center is to expand the national HPC community and integrate it into the international ecosystem.

From January 1, 2025, the Digital Government Development and Project Management Ltd. (DKF) has been entrusted with the tasks of the disbanding KIFÜ, including the operation and development of the domestic HPC supercomputer infrastructure and ecosystem, and the operation of the HPC Competence Center.

The HPC Competence Centre closed the year with a User Forum and a workshop

Over the years, it has become a tradition that the HPC Competence Centre organises a User Forum every November, which this year joined the infra workshop series.

The number of people interested in Komondor at this year`s Researchers Night exceeded expectations

Nearly 200 people who were curious about the country's most powerful supercomputer, with a capacity of approximately 60 000 laptops, were able to attend a supercomputing

Komondor, one of the greenest supercomputers in the world

In the recent TOP 500 list ranking the world's fastest supercomputers, Komondor, the supercomputer, takes the 229th place, and in the Green500 list published in June ranking the world's most energy

HPC partners include Eszterházy Károly Catholic University

Eszterházy Károly Catholic University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ), so from now on one of Europe's fastest supercomputers, the Komondor,


What exactly is a supercomputer? I can be telescope microscope particle accelerator simulator time machine

Supercomputers have now become the most universal research tool, applicable to all fields of science.



