The most important mission of the HPC Competence Centre is to promote and support the highly efficient and successful use of our HPC infrastructure. In order to achieve this, one key task of the centre is to provide high-level training opportunities for academic and industrial users. We wish to support the existing and future users of our supercomputers by organising high-quality presentations, workshops and other training events, and by providing training materials.

As a beneficiary of international initiatives and projects, KIFÜ considers it important to enlist and advertise European HPC training opportunities that may be interesting and useful for Hungarian stakeholders.


Title Topic description Entry level Duration Location
Introduction to Q-Chem and BrianQC softwares What quantum chemistry is, why it's hard, through the eyes of a software developer. What does BrianQC do, how can it be used with other softwares (Q-Chem, Psi4, etc..) What are your experiences? What and how fast does it accelerate from Q-Chem? basic 4 hours online
Introduction to ORCA quantum chemistry software Input structure, starting calculations. Virtual calorimetry tools. Calculating transition state and using theories to help. Calculation of excited states. basic 4 hours online
Introduction to practical use of OpenFOAM on Komondor Hint on editor, geometry generation, tools for convergence monitoring, slurm settings basic 6 hours online
Containerisation Singularity, docker, how and why to containerise an application? Singularity on Komondor. What problems does containerisation solve? What extra tasks does it involve? basic 4 hours online
Optimisation of CFD simulation performance on Komondor Partitioning, etc., using examples of OpenFOAM intermediate 6 hours online
Introduction to Komondor During the event, participants will review the hardware and software environment of the machine, the connectivity and data movement options, and the use of the Slurm workload manager. basic 6 hours online
Introduction to OpenMP The training will focus on shared memory parallelization (SMP) with OpenMP, primarily on Komondor. In addition to the theoretical background, the use of OpenMP is illustrated by example programmes. intermediate 6 hours online
Introduction to MPI Programming in C according to the MPI standard, mainly on Komondor. intermediate 6 hours online

Further information will be provided soon.

Previous workshops


Videos, presentations

Introduction to Komondor supercomputer

EuroCC/CASTIEL workshopok képekben / EuroCC/CASTIEL Workshops Movies

A collection of HPC-related presentations and videos is available at the HPC channel of the Videotorium site operated by KIFÜ.

An international inventory of HPC trainings

This collection site presents information about HPC trainings organised by countries participating in the EuroCC project, and other European training opportunities.