EuroHPC family welcomes another member: the Bulgarian supercomputer was inaugurated In late October 2021, Discoverer, the new petascale supercomputer of EuroHPC became operational in Bulgaria. This is the third supercomputer that will serve European research and innovation thereby increasing the competitive potential of the region.

HPC Portrait – Dr. Milán Szőri In our second interview, Dr. Milán Szőri, Associate Professor of the University of Miskolc gives an outline of how he makes use of the advantages of supercomputing in his scientific career. He uncovered why it may be the case that a supercomputer never lies. Get to know our expert!

HPC Portrait – Dr. Tamás Hegedűs From our interview series, you may get to know the external experts of the HPC Competence Centre. In the first interview, Dr. Tamás Hegedűs, a bioinformatician, will talk about his encounter with the fascinating world of supercomputing and how this has become a part of his everyday life.

Paris to host EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 EHPCSW is one of the largest European conferences on supercomputing, which will be held from 22 to 24 March 2022 in Paris, France. As in previous years, PRACE co-locates its Scientific and Industrial Conference at the EuroHPC Summit Week 2022.

Opportunities for SMEs: FF4EUROHPC CALL-2 has been announced In this call, SMEs may apply for support to HPC application projects. They would like to receive tender applications addressing the business challenges of European SMEs active in various domains, and high priority will be given to engineering and manufacturing activities.

TOP500 – Dethronement is yet to come The website has been publishing updated lists of the most powerful supercomputers twice a year since 1993. The top of the list published in the summer of 2021 – surprisingly – showed no change in comparison with November 2020. But which countries ended up as winners? Read our summary!

A new member of the EuroHPC family, MeluXina has started to operate On 7 June 2021, the new supercomputer of Luxembourg, MeluXina was inaugurated; with its 10-petaflops performance, it may debut among the 50 most powerful supercomputers in the world. MeluXina will be available for users from both business and research entities.

HPC Echo 2020 is out! HPC Echo, the annual publication of KIFU’s HPC Competence Centre, was published for the first time in June 2021. This publication informs the reader about the most prominent research projects of the preceding year, and also presents interesting data regarding HPC uses.