The new Hungarian supercomputer Komondor, will soon arrive Komondor is expected to arrive at the Supercomputer Centre in late 2021, and will become available to the users in the spring of 2022. Komondor will provide ten times the existing HPC capacity, i.e., 5 petaflops to our academic and industrial users

The Supercomputer Centre is to be upgraded The procurement procedure of Komondor has been successfully completed, and the supercomputer is expected to become available for the users in the spring of 2022. It is expected to arrive already at the end of 2021. Our Supercomputer Centre needs to be prepared for accommodating the new infrastructure.

The first EuroHPC supercomputer has been delivered Vega is the first of 8 new extremely high-performance supercomputers jointly purchased by the member states and the EU under the framework of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking. The supercomputer has been installed in Maribor, Slovenia, and was named after Slovenian mathematician Yuriy Vega.

Farewell to the 5th EHPCSW The 5th EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 (EHPCSW) took place from 22 to 26 March 2021. Besides the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) traditionally held during early summer, the EuroHPC Summit Week has also become a prominent event in the life of the European HPC community.

The evaluation of the HPC surveys of 2020 is completed In the spring of 2020, we prepared two questionnaires for our users. While the first questionnaire targeted existing users (mostly academic users), the second one targeted those who are not among our active HPC users yet, including academic and industrial players.

Jubilee The first supercomputer of Hungary was delivered 20 years ago. In the course of our virtual commemoration, we try to celebrate this round-number anniversary via interviews and other curiosities. At the time, a performance of 60 gigaflops was sufficient for being included among the TOP500; but the entry-level may be at least 1.3 teraflops this year.

The brochure about the HPC Competence Centre is now available Get a closer look at the HPC Competence Centre. After a historical overview, this brochure outlines the activities of the HPC Competence Centre, and the developments we plan, and also describes our international HPC relations. Take a look at our publication!

Computer simulations help us understand COVID-19 NVIDIA presented a spectacular simulation built upon the achievements of the folding@home initiative. The interactive molecular dynamics presentation shows the transformation of the spike protein present on the surface of COVID-19, as it moves from the “closed” state into the “open” state.