The HPC Competence Centre closed the year with a User Forum and a workshop

Over the years, it has become a tradition that the HPC Competence Centre organises a User Forum every November, which this year joined the infra workshop series.

The number of people interested in Komondor at this year`s Researchers Night exceeded expectations

Nearly 200 people who were curious about the country's most powerful supercomputer, with a capacity of approximately 60 000 laptops, were able to attend a supercomputing

Komondor, one of the greenest supercomputers in the world

In the recent TOP 500 list ranking the world's fastest supercomputers, Komondor, the supercomputer, takes the 229th place, and in the Green500 list published in June ranking the world's most energy

HPC partners include Eszterházy Károly Catholic University

Eszterházy Károly Catholic University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ), so from now on one of Europe's fastest supercomputers, the Komondor,

Ministerial visit to the KIFÜ Supercomputer Centre
János Csák the Minister of Culture and Innovation visited Debrecen. After the Senate session of the University of Debrecen, the minister visited the Supercomputer Centre of the Governmental Information Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ).

The Komondor`s performance has increased again

The most powerful supercomputer of our country arrived in Hungary in autumn, was handed over in January this year, and has already bee

The performance of 50,000 laptops in one supercomputer – Hungary’s most powerful supercomputer the Komondor has arrived. With a performance of 5 petaflops, the newest and most powerful supercomputer of our country, Komondor, debuts in the ranking of the world's TOP 500 supercomputers. The system operated by the Governmental Information Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ) will soon be available to users after the tests.

"We cannot live without supercomputers" - interview with Bendegúz Tamás Nyári, HPC scholarship PhD student Bendegúz Nyári is a doctoral student at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the BME Faculty of Science. As a theoretical physicist he is dealing with the ab initio simulation of the electronic structure of solids.

“… supercomputer the new window to the cognition to the world” interview with Kornél Kapás, HPC scholarship PhD student Kornél Kapás, one of the winners of the 2022 HPC Scholarship, deals with theoretical particle physics. In our interview, Kornél talks about how HPC has opened new horizons in his work.

“... you can find the way to using HPC with ever-growing efficiency.” – interview with Gábor Dániel Balogh, PhD student with HPC Grant. Gábor Dániel Balogh is an engineering IT specialist, currently at the “Pázmány Péter” Catholic University, and a student of the “Roska Tamás” PhD School of Technical and Natural Sciences. During his research he focused on parallelisation.